Sabrena Cross
Jan 31, 2018
Beauty Love Affair
Beauty Love Affair: February is a month dedicated to love and romance. So, there’s nothing better than fresh dreamy makeup applications...

Sabrena Cross
May 9, 2017
Paralyzed by Fear of Judgement...
FEAR: a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or...

Sabrena Cross
Apr 10, 2017
Change is inevitable...
There are 4 seasons in each year. We all experience physical changes, emotional changes and tons of life activity and event changes. Are...

Sabrena Cross, Shandra Powell, Sharena Scott
Mar 7, 2017
Soul Detoxification and Mental Purge : (99% of disease stems from mental origin) Detoxification: the metabolic process by which toxins...

Sabrena Cross
Jan 30, 2017
Makeup Monday: Beauty Chatter Do's & Don'ts
Makeup is a form of enhancement, it is not meant to be used as a shield to mask insecurities. Everyone has flaws and imperfections that...

Sabrena Cross
Jan 23, 2017
Makeup Monday:Â Motives Motivated...
Create the BEAUTIFUL YOU that you want to be! As a Professional Makeup Artist, UnFranchise Business owner/Partner of Motives Cosmetics, I...

Sabrena Cross
Sep 8, 2016
Pursuit of Passion
(Makeup by Sabrena, Photo by D. Diggs) Never forgetting the day I walked into the MAC counter in Dillard's 5 years ago and bought my...